Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Thing 2: Visiting other blogs

I enjoyed looking at other blogs and I left comments at London Library Girl, Librarian in a Nutshell, and Rose, the Librarian at Maria. It is great to see so many library students participating in 23 Things. When I was in Library school I only had one computer class on how to write computer-assisted library instruction program in PASCAL. Boy, things have changed since then!

1 comment:

  1. Lydia, thanks for visiting my blog. Indeed, computers, technology, and change-management seem more prevalent librarianship these days. I credit my library colleagues of years past for teaching me not to fear these things, but to be an empowered explorer and experimenter. Much of my job now entails technology scanning to stay current. I share what I learn to support my colleagues now - an interesting full-circle phenomenon! By the way, I am impressed to see a Library Director in this program. I wonder how many others there are?
